Save Free School Meals


a school lunch from a cafeteria on a tray

A new proposal from Republicans in Congress would slash the free school meals program for up to 20 million kids.

If enacted, their new policy would eliminate the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) from the School Lunch Program. CEP lets the highest poverty schools and districts serve free breakfast and lunch to all kids. It’s simple: by not forcing parents to fill out complicated applications, more kids get fed.

No kid should EVER go hungry at school. If enough parents speak out, we can stop this cruel plan to take away free meals from hungry kids – will you sign the petition?

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To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

We are outraged to hear of the Republican policy proposal to cut the Community Eligibility Provision of our Free School Meals Program. CEP helps low income schools feed children, removing the administrative burden for poor school districts of determining who and who is not eligible, and allowing them to make healthy meals that follow US guidelines less expensively due to increased purchasing power.

Instead of gutting the school meals program, we urge you to enact universal free school meals for all children. Children should never have to worry whether they will have enough to eat at school and school districts should not have to struggle to find the budgets to feed them.